Sunday, December 9, 2018

Why am I being angry?

Hello everyone. I'm angry. If I am not angry, no one make this kind of blog. Yes. That's right.

What Amazon did to me? I wrote it on my profile.

"One day suddenly Amazon took away our products and sales."

Exactly! This is all. I met robbery. The one I trust is robbery.

Explanation is necessary. One day (I can clearly say the date. However, I will stop now. Because they will specified me.) suddenly I can not login to Amazon seller central.

Oh, this is an Amazon system error. I decided to wait for a while. However, no matter how many hours passed, even after 24 hours the problem was not solved.

I tried changing my password. Email receive from Amazon that the change was completed. However, it was just an automatic reply email, and the problem did not actually resolve.

I was upset and tried to contact Amazon. However, in the next moment, I despair. Yes. When Amazon seller is unable to login to seller central, the way to contact Amazon is almost nothing.

Thank you for reading my complaints. I will write again.

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